I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.
Today’s session focused on the Z-axis for harmony in relationships. (For more information about the Z-axis, please consult “Rooted in the Infinite which you can order at www.rootedintheinfinite.com)
Before I tell you more about the results you can expect from today’s session, please consider this:
Law of Attraction has brought to you not only the people in your life, but the aspects of their personality that they show to you.
Now that we have the stage set, you can more easily see why a session like today’s can be of such value.
As you come into alignment with your own essence, you draw to you others who are in alignment with your essence. And you bring forward the most harmonious aspects of those who are close to you.
With today’s alignment, you can expect to see a gentle beginning of some new possibilities opening in your relationships. Yes I know that sounds vague. It’s vague because today’s session had a broad and general focus. It was focused on the beginning of a shift rather than its culmination.
You may notice a new expression on the face of a loved one. Something you never noticed before.
You may get a phone call from someone you haven’t heard from in a long time.
Anything new, from a facial expression to a welcome behavior, anything that surprises you even a little bit in one or several of your relationships, that is sign that something is opening in you relative to that relationship. It means a new harmony is opening and good things are beginning to happen in that relationship.
To carry this further on your own, focus on the Z-axis exercises in “Rooted in the Infinite.â€
With Love and Appreciation,
To begin an inner alignment practice for spiritual awareness,
Healing, and joyful manifestation, work with the exercises
In the Practice Section of my new book “Rooted in the Infinite.â€
You can get an instant F ree download of the beginning of
The book at http://RootedintheInfinite.com