I did a YOFA jhe Session for the list today.
I am so grateful to have the privilege of working with you in this way.
Today’s session was one that brought me to a very deep state of clarity and I expect it to show itself to you in many ways.
This session focused on the root chakra.
If you have my book, “Rooted in the Infinite,†you know that I have a lot to say about this chakra. Its energy resides at the base of the torso in the physical body. As we become familiar with this energy, it bestows many blessings.
The Y-axis of this energy center is responsible for the extraordinary yogic power of levitation. (For more about the X, Y, and Z-axes and their metaphysical counterparts in consciousness, please refer to the book www.rootedintheinfinite.com )
I don’t expect your physical body to leave the ground as a result of this session, but I do expect a levitation of your spirit.
The Y-axis (vertical) running through your upright spine is your track of upliftment. It puts energy in your muscles and it puts optimism in your outlook. It is the great uplifter on all levels.
If you have the book, you can read more about this on page 57 in the section called “The Up-Force.â€
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What to look for as a result of today’s session:
I expect today’s session to bring 3 main benefits to you.
1 – More energy. This is the upliftment aspect. It can manifest as jumping, running, dancing or other spontaneous physical expressions of “up.†It can also show up as feeling emotionally lighter. It can feel like you just completed a major project. If you are a student, it can feel like you just took your last final of the semester. It results in a feeling of lightness.
2 – More clarity. It feels like a releasing of clutter. Like you suddenly have more space around you. You can move more freely and you can breathe in the fresh air.
3 – More strength. I’m not really talking about physical strength here but if you are a real physical type it may manifest that way for you. I’m really talking about the strength of your convictions. A sense of knowing who you are. It is a strength that shows up more in your eyes than in your muscles.
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The YOFA jhe Sessions are offered with love. I thank you for being a part of this field of harmonious energy alignment.
Love and Blessings,
You can get the f ree 5 part audio e-course “3 Simple Ways You Can Accelerate Your Healing Before You Even Go to Bed Tonight†at: http://AlignmentforHealing.com