Uncommon Gratitude – Developing Negatives into Positives


A few years ago I gave a seminar called “Uncommon Gratitude.”  I thought this was a good day to revive the message. You can download the recording for free by clicking the link above.  And as usual with this sort of digital offering, you’ll be entering your name and email address in order to get access.  That’s become pretty standard.

On a nuts and bolts level, it gives me a way to make sure you get the material.  It also gives me a way to follow up with you, etc.  But there is much more to this exchange than meets the eye.  And that’s why I’m writing to you – I want to thank you for that extra piece.

If you got an email sending you to this blog post it’s because somewhere along the line you entered your email address on one of my websites.  And when you did that, you may have gotten an ecourse or a teleseminar or recording.  I, on the other hand, received your openness to my message.  I received some level of your interest, your trust, and your attention.  And in this explosion of information that we call our daily lives, I consider that a huge honor.  Even a moment of your attention is a gift that I do not take lightly.

And so, my message to you today is “thank you.”  Thank you for opening my emails.  Thank you for considering my messages.  Thank you for the energy exchange that happens between us.  This may sound corny, but I really do cherish the relationship that we have.  Most of us would not know each other if we bumped into each other on the street.  And yet, on some level we know each other’s purest heart.

And so, this is my long winded way of saying, any time you enter your name and email address on one of my webpages, I want you to know that I am honored, I am grateful for the opportunity to interact with you and I value your time and attention.  To you who I consider part of the YOFA family, thank you!

With Love,

7 thoughts on “Uncommon Gratitude – Developing Negatives into Positives

  1. Thank you Rebbie for expressing so clearly what I have often felt when others take the time to respond to something I have sent out in the desire that they will enjoy it. This doesn’t mean I want people to respond every single time from an attitude of ‘correctness’, but from the heart felt impulse that leaps foreward in an etheric ‘hug’ of sorts.
    That is what your message today inspired. Thank you ! Big Etheric Hugs from Mary B.

  2. I am grateful for people like you who are in touch with their true self and see the world with different eyes. I think you have a special way of expressing the divine and I am happy that I tapped into your reality. I thank you for taking the time to acknowlege my response. Your work is very important for so many people. I hope you will continue.
    Aum Shanti! Rocci

  3. You have sent this out to hundreds of people, yet it is such a personal note. Thank you for your thank you! I wish I knew you more/we could meet…..I love your voice…so calm and full of love and inspiration. Rona.x.

  4. Dear Rebbie,
    Thank you for touching my life.I am humbled by your feelings of THANK YOU; they appear to come from yor heart. I pray I get an opprtunity to feel your vibes-so pure and positive!!
    May the New Year bring you and your team greater reach and success in your yeoman service and bless you with abundance of love, happiness and satisfaction.
    Sending all of you my unconditional love and thanks-Brig.Sewak S Sidhu.

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