YOFA jhe Session email: She’s singing and dancing

YOFA jhe SessionsI love reading about how the jhe sessions manifest so beautifully and uniquely in each person’s experience.  Here is an email I received after the session on April 8th.

Hi Rebbie,

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for athe YOFA session you did today……….and let you know that I unwittinlgy was singing and dancing around my house, in-between paperwork and paying bills (usually not the most joyful activities!)  🙂

Also, while doing this, I was releasing some resistance I’ve had regarding my desire/love for a certain "friend", who has recently admitted feeling love toward me…….I realized that resisting it was not doing me or him any good (not that I’m ready to sayit out loud, but it felt great to admit it to myself and just let myself feel it and send it out to him via the

Anyway, I read your e-mail AFTER all this………..then I got an unexpected, sweet message from  him……….this is so amazing.  I thought my new attitude was a result of getting to more yoga classes this week, bult now I’m sure your magical jhe session had something to do with it.   You are truly gifted.

Wishing you a Happy Passover,


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