
About admin

Dr. Rebbie Straubing is a workshop leader, Abraham Coach, and spiritual writer. She is the author of "Rooted in the Infinite: The Yoga of Alignment" ( and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life ( Her articles are published regularly in phenomeNEWS and can be read on her website, . Rebbie evolved The Yoga of Alignment (YOFA) from a mystical awareness of the relationship between consciousness and the three dimensions in which we live. She teaches a natural and simple mystical approach to daily life that anyone can use to cultivate their own direct access to the Infinite. She draws deep insight from her experience as a chiropractor and from her understanding of the subtle energy that moves in the healing process. She is a long time student of yoga meditation and has been a student of the teachings of Abraham-Hicks ( since 1993. This is the strongest current of influence in her system. Rebbie is a teacher of teachers. Her mystical approach cuts through appearances, clarifies the mind, frees the heart, and nurtures the soul. Her work may take many forms, but it is always about that. Visit her websites: -- The umbrella site for all YOFA offerings - Audio recordings that get you meditating in 3 minutes. Instant download, streaming audio, or order the physical CD. - Remote inner alignment sessions for bringing joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) into all aspect of your life. -- 7 Intense streaming audio sessions on The Art of Joyful Manifestation. Like a private training with Rebbie. -- Attract the relationship of your dreams or harmonize the one you're in. Nurture your children with love. (coming soon) A hands "off" healing method for lay people to help their loved ones heal. (coming soon) Law of Attraction coaching for professionals, executives, coaches, chiropractors...

Begin the Transformation




I want to talk to you.

On the phone.


I want to talk to you about how you can begin immediately to transform even the most difficult aspects of your life.

There is no charge.

I simply want to share with you a perspective that has worked miracles in my life. In fact, it has been so profound for me that I wrote a book about it.

On this call you will begin a process that can change your life in ways that you may hardly even be able to imagine right now. 

How can I say that with such confidence?


I can promise you this because the Laws of the Universe (like Law of Attraction) are consistent and they work every time.


You can get instant access to this phone call (and webcast):

  1. Click on this link or paste this address into your browser:
  2. Enter your name and email – That’s it!

Then here’s what happens:

  • You’ll get an instant email from me with a link to the phone number to dial and all the details. 
  • You can also listen online to avoid long distance charges.
  • You’ll also get instant access (as a f ree download) to the introduction and first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite.

You are invited!

F ree Teleseminar and Webcast

Inner Alignment: The Key to the Inner Garden

Friday, July 24th
8:30 pm Eastern, 5:30 pm Pacific.
Dial in or listen online
No Charge

Sign Up Here

I hope you can make it.

And please tell your friends.

Oh yeah, one more thing…

I might be re-opening registration for the jhe sessions on this call.

I haven’t decided yet because it takes me a good amount of time to get all the technical bits and pieces in place to re-open the jhe website.  I just don’t know if I can get it all set up in such a short time.

So please be patient with me if I haven’t gotten it in place by tomorrow’s call.

I only mention it here because if I do reopen the jhe sessions on this call, I will be offering bonuses to those who sign up.  So, be sure to pay attention to how to get the bonuses if this interests you.

That’s all I want to say about that right now.

Thank you for joining me on this inner adventure.

With Love,

PS – If you have already signed up, you should have received webcast and dial in link by now.  If you have not, please check your spam folder.  If you still can’t find it, please send me an email – rebbie(at) – and I’ll send it to you personally.

Free Teleseminar: The Key to the Inner Garden


Listen to this post here:

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CLICK HERE to sign up for Free Teleseminar:

Inner Alignment: The Key to The Inner Garden

I have 3 things to tell you about today.

  1. The first is about the free teleseminar and webcast I’ll be offering this Friday, July 24t.  It’s all about how to cultivate the inner garden and how your talents and abilities blossom when you do that.
  2. The second thing I want to tell you about is this month’s Results Workshop
  3. And the 3rd is that I’m about to reopen registration for the jhe sessions.

So let me begin by telling you a little bit more about the free teleseminar and how to get all the access information.

On this call we are going to be exploring the nature of the garden that you are.  And I think you’ll find that as you cultivate the inner garden, a wonderful thing happens. 

That thing is that you get happy. 

It’s often an instant occurrence.  As soon as you begin the process, there is an instant opening of the gates.  By deciding to cultivate the inner garden you automatically enter the inner garden and it is a beautiful experience.

So on this call, you’ll have an opening.  You’ll start to turn the key, you’ll find a place in yourself that is magnificent and just waiting for your tender loving care to bring it forward in your life.

There is no charge for this call.  If you have unlimited long distance it is completely free.  If you don’t have unlimited long distance, you can listen on the web and you won’t have any telephone long distance charges.

I do this every once in a while and I hope you’ll be able to attend this one.  To get the phone number to dial in and the page for the webcast, simply go to

Enter your name and email and you will get the access info in an email.  You’ll also get the first chapter of the book Rooted in the Infinite and we’ll be discussing this chapter on the call.

If you’ve already signed up to download the sample of the book, you will get the access info for the teleseminar. You don’t need to sign up again.


Advanced Law of Attraction Workshop:

July "Results" Workshop focuses on Inner Guidance

The second thing I want to talk to you about is the monthly results workshop.  This is an advanced Law of Attraction group coaching membership.  Each month I create recorded material for you to work with and then we get together on the phone where you can get personal coaching from me on how to apply the training for that month.

The July material is posted and I’m very excited about this month’s topic.  It’s all about what we perceive as good and bad, wanted and unwanted, and how to tune in to your inner guidance so that no matter what is going on in your life, you know how to experience your journey as exhilarating, joyful, and satisfying. I’ve prepared 6 screen capture video segments and it is available instantly for members.  If you are not a member, you can join at

Remote Inner Alignment Sessions:

YOFA jhe Sessions reopening soon

And the 3rd things I wanted to let you kwon is that I will be reopening registration for the jhe sessions very soon.  If that is something that interests you or someone you know, please watch for my announcement about that.

I look forward to meeting you on the phone on Friday July 24th.  Again, you can sign up for the free teleseminar at

Tell your friends. This free workshop is guaranteed to move you into more joy in your life.

If you can’t make the live call, the recording will be up for about 24 hours, then it will go into the members area for those who have bought the book.

Thank you for our time and attention.  I look forward to cultivating your greatness with you.

With Love,

Today’s YOFA jhe Session 07-18-09

xaxisabovebelowsm.jpgI did a YOFA jhe Session for you who are on the jhe list today.

To best embrace the benefit of this session, please (re)read the part of chapter 12 of Rooted in the Infinite that addresses the ego.  If you don’t have much time, read the section called "Ego as Distortion" on page 121.

As a result of this session, I expect you to feel like someone washed your windows.

Clarity, precision, and equanimity in your perception quickly turn into wisdom and compassion in your personality. 

That is the effect of this session. 

Today’s alignment goes a long way toward evaporating the distortions created by the resistant aspect of the ego. 

To say that in a positive way, today’s alignment helps you purify your desires. 

It brings you in touch with the brilliance, talent, and unique value of your human instrument.  I sometimes refer to this as the positive aspect of ego.  It is ego as instrument.

Here are some of the effects you may notice.  You may notice both of them or this may work completely under the surface.  Either way, this is the movement that is generated by today’s jhe session.

  • Your Desires — Your desires begin to feel very good to you when your mind lands on them.  Even desires that usually create a feeling of frustration or even despair, start to feel more fresh and exciting. And of course, this brings them closer to fruition.
  • Your Relationships — You see others in a more positive light.  Even thinking of, or encountering, those who usually annoy you or even trigger rage does not bother you in the same way.  This is because today’s alignment gives you access to much more interest in the richness of your own experience.  Displeasure with, disappointment with, and disapproval of others simply cannot compete with the power of your engagement with your own true journey through life. 

So, you naturally engage more of your attention with the purity of your desires.  And your negative attention to others naturally atrophies.  It just dissolves. And as it does, so does the hurt you have been causing yourself through your attention to what is not wanted. And ironically, you actually give the other person more space to become the way you want them to be by releasing your mental grip on their apparent flaws.

Many teachers talk about the ego as a purely negative phenomenon that we want nothing to do with.  I call this only half of the ego.  And this session moves you toward a natural, easy, pleasant, effortless release of that part of the ego that is made of resistance.

So what about the other half of ego?  It is the joy of being a focused, individual point of consciousness.  It is the pure expression of your uniqueness.  It is the gift that is beyond measure that you give to the world.  And that gift is expanded as you increase your ability to be purely yourself. 

So, to summarize, this session brightens your light, expands the gift that you are, and makes you more attractive, more appreciated, more enjoyed by others. 

This is a cultivation of your unique brilliance. 

Your expression may intensify or take new forms.  If you are an artist, keep your brushes, violin, pencil, etc. handy. I think you will be pouring through your chosen medium in new and satisfying ways. 

If you do not see yourself as an artist, you may quickly realize that your everyday life is a brilliant work of art.  Joyful harmonious expressiveness (jhe) can take infinite forms.


With Love and Appreciation,

YOFA is based on the book "Rooted in the Infinite"
Find out more at

Self Healing: Inner Alignment Brings Inner Peace

free-pictures-blue-butterfly-nature-Lionoche.jpgHave you ever experienced the quiet, gentle beauty of butterflies fluttering by on the breeze of the most beautiful spring day?  

As I write this, it is gray and rainy out with not a butterfly in physical sight. I simply use this image to describe the feeling of a delicate awareness that all is well. This feeling is the basis of spiritual self healing. And in the face of internal or external storms, this feeling can still be present. The feeling of the soft and comforting presence of the butterfly’s dance in the air can still describe your inner state, regardless of conditions.  

One swift way to achieve this is through the practice of inner alignment.

Inner alignment can have the effect of vacuuming the clutter and debris from your energetic field and allowing the scintillating beauty of your essence to show its magnificent light.  And since this light is not necessarily one we see with our physical eyes, we feel it more readily with our intuitive abilities.

  • It feels like a smooth, evenly distributed sense of wholeness. 
  • It is light and airy.
  • It is sparkly and dynamic.
  • It fills you and surrounds you.   

 With this beautiful energy field running through the center of your awareness, the best in you comes forward easily.   Things that seemed like a problem just earlier in the day, may suddenly seem laughable. When this happens, consider it a good sign that you have clicked into alignment with your essence and your spiritual healing is underway.  

In your body, this can manifest as a feeling of peace and ease. With your muscles less involved in patterns of tension, you have more strength, energy, and stamina for the things you love to do.  

In your relationships, this can manifest as patience. You may find yourself more comfortable with the moments of silence, more easy if you find yourself in the presence of the pain of others, and more compassionate and less quick to get your own issues triggered by the opinions and actions of others. This makes you a very good friend, partner, parent, and leader.  

Regarding material manifestation, this effect of inner alignment can help you more deeply appreciate the things you do have so that your desires become clarified and deeply felt. This brings forward very satisfying manifestations when they do occur. And it also brings forward surprisingly satisfying moments before the manifestation.  

Cultivating your inner alignment benefits you in more ways than you can know. And so the joyful manifestations keep rolling in like waves on the shore as you continue to achieve greater states of alignment.

And now I’d like to invite you to begin a practice of inner alignment with the book Rooted in the Infinite

You can also develop your inner alignment for spiritual awareness, healing, financial abundance, and loving relationships with YOFA inner alignment sessions at

Also, be sure to get your Free eCourse "7 Secrets for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desire"

You’ll receive 3 simple lessons by email that can transform your life and bring you into alignment with the desires of your heart. This helps you manifest more joyfully, with more ease, and in a way that makes life more fulfilling.

David Wolfe’s Longevity NOW! revealed



David Wolfe has put together a program that I am recommending to everyone who has a body.

The cutting edge information that he offers in this program is the type of information that is usually VERY hard to find, even harder to understand, and practically impossible to apply.

David has packaged it in a way that is:

  • so simple
  • and USABLE

…that it feels a little bit like a miracle. 

I don’t know about you, but I have not spent every day of my adult life researching the best ways to eat.  David has.

I have spent every day, for many many years, studying Law of Attraction and tuning myself to my inner guidance.  And as I listen to David talk, I feel my energy move toward the knowledge he is sharing. My inner guidance is saying, "Yes!" to Longevity NOW!

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I can easily recognize the difference between nutritional hype and true food wisdom. 

This is wisdom folks.  And I urge you to listen.  If joy, freedom, love, and kindness are what you’re after, why not let your body support you on that soul satisfying journey? 


Oh, and one more thing…

  • To my fellow baby-boomers who want to keep feeling great (or start feeling great again)…
  • To women taking calcium…
  • To everyone of us walking through the cell phone, wifi, and other emfs everyday…

Please watch this video to help yourself achieve your optimal state, in balance with Mother Nature, and in tune with your joy.

email: Affirmative Contemplation Recording “I Am Love”





I receive so many emails that I want to share with you.  Usually, I don’t actually post them.

This message is about the long version of the Affirmative Contemplation recording "I AM Love."  I’m posting this email for those who might want to use this recording in a similar way

Dear Rebbie:
I felt compelled to send this to you.  Yesterday, I had some oral surgery performed.  I decided to go to a holistic dentist where he performed an extraction and a bone graph.  Anyway, I had local anesthesia only and was awake the whole time.  Although I was offered many choices of movies to watch for relaxation, I opted for something which showed nature scenes.  Knowing that I may feel a little nervous, I also brought my MP3 with me.  I put on the 20 minute version of "I Am Love" and played it over and over.  It lasted 2 hours, but I wasn’t as afraid as I could have been because I felt like you were with me the whole time.  It comforted me very much and even now I am moved to tears.  Lately, this has been happening a lot to me.  I’ve been manifesting a few things too which I think is incredible! 
The most important thing I wanted to say is that I thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.  I appreciate you and I am grateful to be connected to you in this way.  When I hear your recordings or take part in your workshops, it’s as though you are speaking directly to me.  The road ahead is still a long one, but I like the path that I am on. 


David Wolfe: Eat Foods That Attract Money








Here is free access to David Wolfe’s latest video where he explains the relationship between nutrition and your manifestation of money.

As the founder of YOFA and one who shares about the Law of Attraction with many people on a regular basis, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about how what you eat affects what you attract.

As a certified clinical nutritionist, I’m very happy to hear David Wolfe talking about adding rather than taking away foods. I’m thrilled to hear him dissolve the belief system that says that it takes harsh discipline to eat well. He makes it sound so easy because it is.

As a member of planet earth, I’m grateful that David Wolfe has decided to launch his Longevity Now program in such a big way so that many many many people can get hold of this valuable information with the ease of clicking a link for a free video.

As a person who has lost count of the juicers and blenders she has owned and used through the years, I am eagerly awaiting more and more info from David about what to put in my latest super-duper blender to feed to my body temple.

If you missed the first video of this series, you can see it here: